Saturday, August 25, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Exorcismo para limpiar la memoria y destruir el pasado


-Papeles y cartas,
-Fotografias, en multitud, juntos o ella sola.
-Libros "Mr. strong", "Mr.Skinny",
-Orchata, natillas, "La piel contra la piedra", "Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind".
-3 bragas, 2 camisetas, calcetines,
-Emails, conversaciones de messenger ( imprimir)
-1 jersey,
-Escribir todas las mentiras sobre papel.

Anyada madera, gasolina, y una cerilla encendida. Camine alrededor del fuego, imaginando que cada vez que completa el circulo, se eleva unos centimetros por encima del suelo. Por cada acto lleno de mala intencion, por cada mentira, repita: ''tu eres la mentira", "a ti te ofrecen para el cumpleanyos del reloj".

No deje que el fuego se apague. ( En caso de que disponga de una persona que le apoye, esta tarea puede ser delegada y usted podra poner mas atencion en los pasos importantes.)

Continue caminando en circulo alrededor del fuego, elevandose en espiral hacia el espacio. Cuando la madre tierra se haya convertido en un minusculo grano de arena, en ese momento, suspendido en el


riase de todo, a carcajadas, riase; cante, hoy puede ser un gran dia. Duro con el.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Arrodillate arrogante,
gatea como un bebe.

Find your place,
in your mother's womb,
she'll keep you wet.

Llora, con tu espalda recta
respira el calor, aguanta.

Insistente suena un tambor,
te dice: escucha tu corazon,

te dice: one heart, one truth,
bring them all
to mother's womb;
here they belong.

pero ya nos puede el calor,
abre la puerta, bendito,
y deja que nos bese el viento.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Retazos para una teoria del amor

El amor es una mentira que se inventaron los burgueses romanticos en 1700 para convencer a los estratos sociales inferiores de que la revolucion era necesaria. La revolucion era necesaria para que los judios pudieran prestar al interes de mercado y los comerciantes se enriquecieran sin mas trabas. Para ello, era necesaria una nueva ideologia. Era necesario hacerles creer que la democracia y la libertad eran conceptos fundamentales para ser feliz; que uno puede controlar su destino y tiene la capacidad de crear su propia vida; que es necesario romper las barreras artificiales que nos separan porque son ficticias, porque todos somos iguales; todos con los mismos derechos; todos con derecho a ser felices, a amar a todos y a que nos amen.

Las demostraciones cartesianas nos aseguraron que dios existe; la maquina de vapor gritaba y chirriaba que la naturaleza habia sido sometida; nadie es un esclavo de nada, uno es lo que elige ser, vive como quiere vivir, ama como quiere amar.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Mate ( para martin y felipe)

mi nuevo mate ya esta rodando.

el mecanismo,
perfectamente engrasado,
es de color amarillo.

su corazon humedo
palpita, palpita, palpita,
le rezo por la vida.

con dos manos sostengo el sol,
una ofrenda sagrada;
de su raiz sorbo verdes rayos,
un arbol besando tierra salada.

La libertad y la forja

Saturday, August 11, 2007

A voice

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint" then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
Van Gogh, Honest tea dixit.

My experience with painting is very limited; I am much more familiar with the voice. This summer there is a Van Gogh exhibition in Madrid with mostly paintings from his period in Arles. During this time there he was extremely productive, painting 70 pictures in around 3 months.

I did not know that before going to the exhibit. I also did not remember that he had shoot himself after that intensely productive period. It makes me wonder if he was ever able to silence that voice or if it just grew bigger as his contemporaries stubbornly did not appreciate his paintings.

There are infinitely many possible answers to that voice. As many as people have lived maybe. It makes me wonder what my answer has been, is.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Catalan Elvis

Aniol is one of the friends in Spain that I love the most. He has many virtues but to me, his good heart is the most outstanding one.

In any case, he can also play guitar. And powerfully indeed; Check it out,

If you have a band contact him at

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Glimpses of a country from a sunday newspaper

"Mr. Steger, 51, ... has banked more than $2 million. The $1.3 million house he and his wife own on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean is paid off. The couple’s net worth of roughly $3.5 million places them in the top 2 percent of families in the United States.

Yet each day Mr. Steger continues ... working as a marketing executive for a technology start-up company... Most mornings, he can be found at his desk by 7. He typically works 12 hours a day and logs an extra 10 hours over the weekend.

“I know people looking in from the outside will ask why someone like me keeps working so hard,” Mr. Steger says. “But a few million doesn’t go as far as it used to. Maybe in the ’70s, a few million bucks meant ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,’ or Richie Rich living in a big house with a butler. But not anymore.”

"My younger daughter had her kidneys removed and got a kidney transplant... and it could get to the point where she becomes uninsurable at some point in the future and so if that happens and she needs another operation for another half a million dollar, i'd like to be able to afford that." excerpt from the video in the article.


A competitive gymnast for most of her life, Heather Benjamin has traveled the country and won her share of awards. But last year she developed a fear of jumping... so she talked to a sports psychologist.

“It made such a difference,” she said... “We worked through the fear, and that has let me relax. I would tell anyone that it’s worth it." Heather was 9 at the time.

In the pursuit of college scholarships and top spots on premier travel clubs, the families of young athletes routinely pay for personal strength coaches, conditioning coaches, specialized skill coaches like pitching or hitting instructors, nutritionists and recruiting consultants. Now, the personal sports psychologist has joined the entourage.


"Middle America; In places like Carpentersville, Ill., where nearly half the population nis now Hispanic, assumptions about life in a small town are being challenged. And to some, a birthday party for a 1-year-old in a public park is a provocative act."


Thursday, August 2, 2007


Yo soy demócrata, con eso basta para ser palestino.

Miguel Angel Bastenier