Saturday, April 5, 2008

inside out

I have been out i know.
I will start writing again.
YES WE CAN, he said, and many people agreed.
The doors are open, so I might as well start walking.
Meanwhile, take care my friends.
I know we will meet soon; one day.
We will celebrate, grill a bbq, be by the lake.
be ba, be ba ba
I can hear the trumpet play,
there is a garden, food,
it is hyde park social club,
we have invited a dj,
his name is Kevin,
a masterclass on soul,
let the people know!!


Chuntaro said...

Can I be there?
I imagine how fun it might be
Pretty girls
and a great chef rasta
in my head I see
Mate, politics
music and laughter
drums and white smoke
bringing together
economists, archeologists
and clowns
I wonder
If that Asier guy will be there?

Felipe Mardones said...

i want to be there!!!
don't forget the social workers, the artists, the biologists. nations? spain, mexico, texans, newyorkers, argentineans, chile, england, iraq, brasil, chipre, that spanish province, how is it called? Portugal i believe, turkish, italians (AND NOT JUST ANY ITALIANS!! berlusconi!).

i really want to be there.

Felipe Mardones said...

Damn. We will meet one day, soon, and WE WILL CELEBRATE.
Will celebrate happiness, a beautiful life, a wonderful day!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Name: Asier said...

Esos colegas!!!