Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Inquisitiveness, by Chogyam Trungpa

The notion of looking at things as they are is a very important concept. Look! Why do we look at all? Or we could say, Listen! Why do we listen at all? Why do we feel at all? Why do we taste? The one and only answer is that there is such a thing as inquisitiveness in our makeup. Inquisitiveness is the seed syllable of the artist. The artist is interested in sight, sound, feelings, and touchable objects. We are interested and we are inquisitive, very inquisitive, and we are willing to explore in any way we can.Such tremendous inquisitiveness is the key point in the way we look at things, because with inquisitiveness we have a connection.


Chuntaro said...

but if we just ask, and ask, seek and seek. How can we be still and just contemplate?

Name: Asier said...

meditation in action, or, MIA or was it missing in action.... oh well, i think i think too much